Are you tired of blending in with all the other faces? Are you looking for a mature fellowship in which you can learn and grow? Are you interested in learning more about the Jewish Roots of Christianity?
We may be what you are looking for!
Praise and Worship starts at 10:30am Sunday.
Deliverance service every 3rd Sunday
There will be a short time of special prayer where you can have hands laid on you for healing or deliverance.

Our church offers teachings on the Jewish Feasts and how they are insrtrumental to understanding scriptures and the End Times.

Holy Spirit/Full Gospel
We are a Spirit filled church who believes that being Baptized in the Holy Spirit is fundamental to entering the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

We are supporters of Israel based on scripture.
Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.
Teaching Style
We have a unique style of teaching. There is no sermon, instead we gather together in a Bible study like manner and we discuss the scriptures and encourage involvement in discussion and questions. Just as Jesus would have taught the disciples.

Contact Us
7028 Half Moon Lake Rd
Jonesville, MI 49250